Sunday, April 16, 2006

Good Friday

Having the day off of work meant that I could do some of the things I have been putting off, such as getting the oil changed in both cars. Both our Hoopty and our 2005 Civic needed oil changes.

Hoopty went to Wal-Mart for the oil change at 8:00am. Now this is a 1989 Buick SkyHawk Stationwagon with a crappy GM wearing off paint job. This is the car that most of you out there would not let me park near your house. BUT it runs GREAT, its paid for, easy to repair, and its economical! I love driving this car, and I doubt anyone would EVER want to steal it. I also bought a new wiper blade to replace the old one.

Then I did little errands, shop, go to the post office, stop for a Green Mountain Coffee at Old Medina Market, buy dog food (for the 2 indoor and 3 outdoor dogs), and get some items from a list given to me by Annette.

Next I take the 2005 Civic to the Honda Dealer for the scheduled service. You know the story, it a new car and has a warranty. To make the warranty work one has to service it at the dealer.

After the long wait and the service completed, I stopped by St marys for a prayer break. The prayer break allows me the time to gather my thoughts on one of the more somber days, Good Friday. There was a spanish rosary abd orayer service. I remained and prayed during the service. The altar was pretty well stripped bare of the ornate frillings of a catholic church. Surprisingly it appeared that there was well over 100 people attending the mid-day Spanish service.

I then stopped to visit my secretary from Jackson State. On her days off of Jackson State, she works at St Mary's Manor as a evening/weekend relief manager.

After this, remebering that it was friday, a fish day, and Brooksie's Barn has a 4.99 4 piece catfish takeout...I stopped by Brooksie's to pick up two dinners and take them home.

All in all, a good day!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for mentioning me on your blog. And thank you and your betterhalf for coming to see me and bringing refreshing beverages on your days off from Jackson State.


2:32 PM  

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