Monday, July 23, 2007

Downtown Jackson TN

I went to the Jackson TN Farmer’s Market last saturday (July 21) and it was packed both with vendors and customers. I like to think mentioning it here on the blog made it busier than usual. It was so full, vendors were selling outside of the covered roof. I bought two bags of Peaches & Cream Corn (@18 ears in each bag ) for 3.00 each and some heirloom tomatoes. I found somne cucumbers. that looked good (3 for 1.00). and that is great, because most of the cucumbers I’ve seen were only the pickling ones.

Later, We also went to eat late lunch early supper in downtown Jackson. On Baltimore, across from the county courthouse (and across Highland from the Federal Courthouse (and near the State Supreme Court) a Quiznos (one of 3 in Jackson), A Starbucks (one of only two in Jackson), and a Subway (one of 7 in Jackson) have opened on the court square. This is maybe a block from the Dixie Castle Restaurant on Baltimore that serves $4.50 DAILY (m-f) plate lunches (and in the evening (m-f & saturday) serves GREAT steak dinners) They Subway Quiznos Starbucks) are only open until 5:00 pm, but the atmosphere is tremendous. We chose Quiznos. There is something about their bread and their method of toasting a sandwich that makes their subs so good. Since we were back downtown, I drove (4 blocks) back near the Farmers Market at 4:00 pm, and yes surprisingly there were still a few vendors there and a few shoppers there too.

25 years ago, I did everything downtown (Shopped, ate, transacted business). Its amazing how things change! Its real nice to see Jackson’s downtown revive after that tornado in 2003. There are stll a lot of empty parcels of land from the damage, but the downtown is returning. Being downtown also made me realize that I still miss going to the Old Saint Mary's Church downtown @ 6-7 blocks east of the courthouse. It was a beautiful old church. It was an old church that looked like many old catholic churches in downtowns across the united states. I t wa s near the rails, so the Irish rail workers could attend mass. Now it is located on the 45 bypass, where the now train of cars pass everyday.