The Fancy Farm Picnic

Well I did it! I attended the world's largest picnic. The Fancy Fam (KY) Picnic is about 60 miles due north of where I live and I decided to attend. I did not let the 97 degree temperatures or the terrible humidity stop me. I, may wife and my dad went up to Fancy Farm to try to try the Famous Kentucky BBQ!
As you, the reader, may know: BBQ in Kentucky means BBQ mutton. Mutton usually means the meate of ewe (female) or a castrated male sheep. They cook it over open pits for numerous hours. The result is a pulled meat that is served alongside pulled pork.
The mutton actually tasted like beef or to be more specific grass fed beef roast. It was actually very good in taste.
In addition, the real find was the super sweet fresh corn and the fresh purple hull peas also served at the picnic.
I am sharing a picture of the KC hall where the food was served. You can see the crowd. I am sharing a picture of the sign above the bingo pavillion. Well, it is a cCatholic Chruch, isn't bingo a natural?!?! I am also sharing a picture of the church, St Jerome. St Jerome is in the center point of the community. btw, there were well over 5,000 in attendance3 and they were still comming down State Highway 80 from Mayfield KY as we were leaving.
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