The Fred Deaton Blog
This is the place of the musings of a first generation college graduate, a 12 year catholic student survivor, and guy who grew up in Memphis Tennessee discusses things that interest the common folk.
About Me
- Name: Fred Deaton
- Location: Jackson, Tennessee, United States
I am a true midpoint Tarus. I am a college counselor and teach a college readiness course called Learning Strategies. I graduated from Bishop Byrne High School. I guess one could say I survived, but as I got older I became amazed at the people I knew from high school. They actually are the best and most talented bunch of people have ever known. I If I could stop and talk to any of them, I would perfer that to any other individual out there.
Previous Posts
- Buster
- Lunch Prayer Break
- My dog Peanut graduates from Puppy Training Class
- Went to Milan's St Matthew for BBQ Chicken
- Tough week after JD's passing
- The passing of my friend JD Doherty
- A friend has left
- WHere I pray part two
- The saddest thing I have ever seen, no belief in a...
- June is the second toughest month
Thursday, July 07, 2005
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